Your contact for social security 

In France, registration with social security is mandatory for both employees and employers. Employers must also ensure that their employees are registered, under penalty of sanctions such as a tarnished reputation, labor inspections, and fines.

Whether you are an individual or a professional, ATW Immigration Services assists you to ensure that you are compliant and protected. We support individuals and their families immigrating to France for the first time or returning to the country after a period of expatriation abroad. We handle the process of opening your rights with the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM).

We also assist businesses seeking to hire foreign employees. We handle all necessary steps for the affiliation or reactivation of rights for your international, detached, and expatriate employees.

According to your needs, we offer a range of tailored services to ensure compliance and protection for you or your employees:
  • Social security affiliation and Ameli account opening
  • Obtaining the vitale card
  • Reactivation of rights after expatriation from France
  • Agency accompaniment if necessary
  • Information about your obligations
In addition to our core services, we provide complementary services to make your life in France even more enjoyable and your integration smoother:
  • Family allowance application with CAF
  • Assistance in finding a general practitioner
  • Pregnancy declaration
  • General practitioner declaration
ATW Immigration Services offers an initial appointment to assess your specific needs and define the necessary actions. From there, we assist you from the preparation of your dossier to the complete affiliation with social security, managing interactions with advisors on your behalf. We serve as your sole contact with health insurance.

Our goal is to save you time in your procedures, simplify your daily life, expedite requests, and provide clarity on your rights and responsibilities. This way, you can settle in France or recruit foreign talent with peace of mind!

Do you want to ensure your social security registration in France or that of your employees? Would you like to streamline your procedures and quickly access rights or family allowances? Contact us now to learn more.

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